Driftwood projects

I live on the north coast of Iceland and to be honest there is not a lot of forest around me :grin:, so buying timber for woodworking can be quite expensive.
But you do not always have to use new wood to do something with X-carve, I found driftwood on the beach which is clearly very old and probably from a ship because the piece I found was nailed together with wooden nails, I broke a small piece from this and here is a video of the work and the results.
I’m just showing you this for fun, there are more people working from old sticks with X-carve?
old driftwood gets a new life


Það segir að þetta sé fyrsta færsla þín, velkomin í samfélagið. Þakka þér fyrir myndbandið, settu inn fleiri myndskeið og myndir af verkefnum. Gott starf.

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Very cool project and well done.

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pretty cool project!

I love the project that you did. Excellent work.

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Great work, thanks for sharing!

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Great project!