DXF to SVG Converter

Inkscape has received additional data from the script executed. The script did not return an error, but this may indicate the results will not be as expected.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “dxf_input.py”, line 530, in
inkex.errormsg((’%d ENTITIES of type POLYLINE encountered and ignored. Please try to convert to Release 13 format using QCad.’) % polylines)
NameError: name '
’ is not defined

On the topic of file conversions, I use this site for EVERYTHING.

I’ll check that out thanks!

That’s what I was afraid of. Thanks anyways!

That converter solved my issue! Thanks Robert! Great website converter to bookmark.


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I will normally use ImageMagick to convert .dxt files, however, I’ve recently found freefileconvert.com which supports conversion to svg format, so I use it now and the quality seems to be good enough.

I’ve made a simple command line utility for macOS to convert .dxf (and other formats) to .svg if you have Inkscape installed:


I’m toying with this now, seems like, even if i group all of my lines in AutoCAD, it beings them into Easel as individual lines. And it won’t give me the option of cut type.

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have you figured out how to fix this problem @NicShimala?

It’s hit and miss, but I have had pretty decent success with using Inkscape to convert DXF files to SVG files.

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Thank You!
I’ll try it.