Early Testing for Machine Profiles

We need some help testing a new Easel Pro feature. For those of us with more than one CNC and / or computer, setting up CNCs can eat a lot of time.

We’d like to fix that. We hope this system makes Easel Pro more helpful by letting you store your CNC configuration(s) on Inventables’ servers and retrieve as needed.

As an Easel Pro subscriber, you can enable this by heading here: Machine Profiles where you can click the box on the right side of the screen to enable.

We are looking for feedback as well as any bugs you notice. You can submit feedback on the same page Machine Profiles once it is enabled, or just leave comments here in this post.

Thanks and have a great weekend!


The changes made to the machine menu in order to enable this feature are baffling and a step back from where they were previously. Originally when I walked people through using Easel with CNC routers at the makerspaces I help with, one of the first things I did was show folk how to adjust the machine size. You can no longer do that without going through this new machine setup, and downloading / installing easel local.

None of our machines are using GRBL or making use of easel to actually drive the machine - we just export our gcode and take it to the cnc router in the other room. I don’t need folks installing easel local on machines that will never actually be using it, or if theyre on chromebooks, or whatever. Please add an option that skips the installation of the easel driver, or make it clear how to bypass it with the current setup.

well, I put this little video together. which is simply going into the setup and backing out without ever connecting to any cnc. :man_shrugging: but I agree that hiding the work area adjustments until a machine setup is at least started is kind of an unnecessary step…