Easel Cabinetmaker Updates: 6/17/2024 - 6/21/2024

Upcoming Developments

  • Disable the Save button in the Optimize tab if there is no cut list to generate
  • Only keep one section of cabinet settings expanded at a time in the Design tab
  • Link the Easel cut list project to the associated job when exporting a CNC cut list from Cabinetmaker
  • Ability to edit checklists
  • Add titles to notes, images, and checklists
  • Account page updates
  • Include cabinet names in cut list print-outs and interface
  • Bit selection for CNC cut lists
  • Client field in job details
  • Updates for “drag and drop” cabinet placement

In Progress

  • Merge the Optimize workflow into the Manufacture tab
  • Update pin-hole position for face frame overlay hinges
  • Enable rotating and repositioning panels on cut list sheets

Released/Completed this week

  • Only show settings that are applicable for the current design and configuration settings in the Optimize tab

Thanks for reading! Please reach out in this thread if you have questions, comments, or feedback related to this update.