Upcoming Developments
- Use cabinet renderings as project thumbnails for Cabinetmaker projects
- Updated panel naming and labeling
- New cabinet types: sink base cabinet
- Update cabinet positioning and placement functionality
- Shaker doors/fronts for manufactured materials
- New cabinet types: wall and base blind corner cabinets
- New cabinet types: wall and base 90-degree corner cabinets
In Progress
- Investigation of room-layouts to generate multi-cabinet installations quickly
- Inset Doors
- Exploration of paint and finish textures for cabinets in the 3D render
- Merge cabinet fronts material type and thickness
- Hovering cursor over cabinet highlights the item in list and 3D render
- Improvements when viewing shared cabinet projects in the Presentation View on mobile devices
- Users can rename cabinets
- Unify backend cabinet data
- Persist deletion of deleted cabinet projects
- Retain project-level settings when copying cabinet projects
- False drawer fronts
- Move Drawer Front properties to Fronts section
Released/Completed this week
- Updates to the app’s data framework
- Simplify code for drawer and dado generation
- Improvements to generating dado geometries in drawers
- Improvements to dragging and dropping cabinets to rearrange
- Updates to add additional cabinet settings as project-level settings
- Toolbar formatting improvement for shared cabinet projects
- Bug fix for cabinets with custom materials
Thanks for reading! Please feel free to reach out in this thread if you have questions, comments, or feedback related to this update. Have a great weekend!