Easel driver issues

I haven’t used easel for about 6 months since it was in storage i finally get it back and set up and download the drivers needed to run the machine however nothing is happening every time i hook my machine it keeps telling me to install the new drivers anyone have this issues that can share what you did to fix the issue? thanks in advance.

Try clicking on Help, then downloads. Try and install the driver there. Reboot afterwards.

I tried that already and used two different car mothers in the house with no success

I am having the same problem. I have tried downloading the driver several times. Can anyone help?

Did you ever get an answer to this question? I am having the same issue. Thank you!

I’m also having issues. I haven’t used my machine in a while also. tried today and I keep getting the message to update the drivers. I’ve tried several times. I’m wondering if it has anything to do with my computer. It is running windows 10 but is 32bit. I noticed on the requirements that it needs to be 64bit.

I don’t have another computer nearby to try it.

Please help. I hate to have to buy a new computer just for this.

I started using Chrome and it worked for awhile but now i am in the same spot with both Chrome and Safari

I ended up finding a used Windows Surface tablet that was built on a 64bit system. Everything is now up and running fine. Honestly the newish computer is also smoother running so I guess it was just time.