Easel free

Bonjour, je me suis inscrit sur easel, j’ai bénéficié de la version pro pendant 30jours. Aujourd’hui je souhaite utiliser la version gratuite mais au moment de graver, quand je clique sur “Carve”, le site m’indique que je dois souscrire à la version pro.
Comment faire svp?

Pardonnez-moi si quelque chose ne sort pas correctement à 100%, Google Translate a été utilisé pour traduire de l’anglais vers le français.

Si Easel indique que vous devez utiliser la version Easel Pro, vous avez des fonctionnalités “Pro” dans votre conception. Vous devrez supprimer toutes les fonctionnalités “Pro” si vous souhaitez utiliser la version standard gratuite de chevalet pour sculpter réellement.

Voici le lien vers les différences entre les versions Standard Easel et Easel Pro.

Here is the English version of what I said for those interested.
Forgive me if something does not come out 100% correctly, Google Translate was used to translate from English to French.

If Easel is stating that you need to use the Easel Pro version then you have “Pro” features in your design. You will need to remove any “Pro” features if you want to use the standard free Easel version to actually carve.

Here is the link to the differences between the Standard Easel and Easel Pro versions.


Brandon Parker

Hey Brandon just want to share what I’ve found seems to be the most common issue driving people over into PTO that I’ve seen this in other unofficial Easel groups recently… with the new addition of multiple machine profiles, people are setting up multiple machine profiles (usually on accident) during that first month of free PRO and of course they get no errors and it lets them do it… then, as soon as that free PRO is gone, they are locked out of carving until they go in and delete all but one machine profile :man_shrugging: pretty annoying IMO

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