Easel Import Image Trace

I use Easel to Import an Image and then generate a g-code. I download to a flash drive and use my 3018 PROVer controller to run the file. My question is why does the spindle make a dozen or so passes before the spindle is lowered and starts to carve? I do eventually get my carving completed but it takes almost 4X the time simulated. Any suggestions?

Did you set the Z-Zero position to the top of your material? This is where Easel typically expect the Z-Zero to be.


Brandon Parker

I use Candle to run the g-code from my controller and I use the “Probe” function before I use “Home”. Once the Spindle is in position I set the XYZ to zero. Is that what you are referring to? Thanks for the reply, I am still pretty new to this CNC fun…

What’s your $102 setting value?

Probably a misconfiguration of Z-reference or a mismatch between Z-reference in Easel / 3018PROVer controller. Switching between programs/controllers without a proper “translator” aka post processor (PP) can cause issues.

Do your design ultimately reach the expected depth or is there a discrepancy here also?

My depth when finished is correct but I just heard from the Sainsmart Facebook Group who suggested a known glitch in the Easel software when using the offline controller. You have to download the g-code into Candle and then save it to the memory card for the controller. I tried that it and it worked perfectly so I am good for now. Appreciate the response…

Hey Neil from Dublin,Ohio. I come from Geneva, Ohio so we are “related”? Thanks for the reply but I found out that there is a problem with Easel when you use the Sainsmart offline controller. You have to load the g-code into Candle and then save the file to the flash card. I did that and the carving went exactly as the Easel simulation predicted. Appreciate the response and I am sure I will have more questions as I learn more about this CNC world. Thanks again…

Can you share the gcode before you import and then after? That would allow me to see what the issue is.

Chicago Cubs Logo Easel g-code.nc (688.0 KB)
Chicago Cubs Logo Candle g-code.nc (713.6 KB)

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So,those little offline controllers need a carriage return. Easel’s gcode only outputs with a lineFeed at the end of each line. Every other CAM program (that I have gcode open on my machine) uses lineFeed and Carriage Return.
I’m not sure if there are other implications, but probably something the Easel developers could fix easily.

So, your workaround seems to work. You could also just use a text editor to do a find & replace.

Thanks for verifying my g-code and explaining the difference. Will keep that in mind for future reference. Thanks again…

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Anything for a Northeast Ohioan (I’m from Cleveland).

Spent a few days in Shagrin Falls, Cuyahoga County some years ago :slight_smile:
Nice place and a welcomed change of scenery compared to southern Texas…!

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