Easel Live is Back!

This year we are excited to bring back Easel Live, if you’ve been with us for awhile then you might remember a series of livestreams we did on YouTube that were hosted by Mo. Each one walks you through a different project/topic from beginning to end in Easel.

We wanted to continue to build this out and have started a (mostly) weekly schedule of livestreams. We dove into the basics of Easel on Monday here.

Let me know what topics you would like to see in the future and jump on with us next Tuesday (2/24) at 12:30 pm CST as we diving into the new tiling feature in Easel Pro.

Got ideas on things we should cover in the future, let me know in this thread!


Thanks for doing the live stream. I believe it helps people get more out their CNC


@PhillipLunsford Thanks, fun to see you in the chat!

If I can help in any way just let me know. At first, with all the chatting to me I felt it took away from your presentation. That was not expected.


Interesting timing…yesterday I went looking for more streamed projects Mo used to do. There weren’t any new ones.

Certainly there are different levels of users of Easel; Beginners to Advanced. I’d suggest you cover some basic sessions for those who need it, but also more advanced for those of us who need/want more from their machine. :wink:

Sessions targeting use of the many ‘Apps’ that are now available in the App Library would be nice. Specifically covering the various settings found in each one.

There’s a ton you could cover. Perhaps open up these live streams to your customers. Adafruit has a session for ‘show and tell’ on Wednesdays where (approved ahead of time) users can showcase their work. Perhaps you could do something similar.

Just some thoughts…


Nice work. I think this will help a lot of people. I used to watch them a few years ago when the were making them and learned alot.

This one and the next one are both on my work rotation, I will catch one at some point in time. Steve

I am skiing on Monday the 24th, otherwise I’d try to join in :slight_smile:


I just discovered a YouTube of “Easel Live”, is this still a thing? If so, when, and how to join?
If not, any plans to bring it back? I am a struggling newbie and would like to take advantage of any and all opportunities to learn (so that I can stop bothering the community and Tec Support).

Also, I’d suggested in the past an “Inventables University” Wherein classes are held on location, and users can come and learn (provided they can get there and cover lodging). I mention this because I spent 20 years conducting such trainings for customers at my previous company before taking the leap to start up this business. Our customers loved it, and more importantly, our competitor’s customers apparently loved it as they [customers] left our competitors to be customers with our company. As a result, my previous company was #1 in marketshare in its space. Just a suggestion.

anyway, I’m watching a lot of YouTube videos, but there are limits to one-way communication and training.