Easel Measuring Tool - Request for Feedback

Hey everyone! We’ve released the first version of our measuring tool for beta testing. I’ve given everyone in this thread access to the measuring tool while it is in beta. We look forward to your feedback!

Learn more: Measuring Tool in Beta

For anyone interested in trying out the measuring tool during beta testing, you can sign up here!


This is great! It would have helped a lot earlier today if I had realized it was enabled, as I could have especially used the angle feature.

I look forward to using it in the future.

@NatalieSturdy You might already be aware, but while the measurement doesn’t affect carving, it appears to affect rendering the carve window.

Here’s a video showing what was happening, hopefully you can see it. I’m testing this on the latest Firefox, on a MacBook Pro. I tested both on the built-in retina display and an external non-retina (DPR of 1.0).

Hey I have been hoping for something like this. would love to give it a try. I would also like for you all to devise a tool to use the same technique but to draw lines of various sizes. I had an old program that widths and it was amazing, but left the market place. thanks Russ

The measurement line should snap to points on the model. Just going by eye is not really that accurate so snapping would be far more accurate.

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