Easel Measuring Tool - Request for Feedback

Hello everyone – Our team is working on a measuring tool for Easel and we want your input!

Have you found yourself wishing for an easier way to measure distances and dimensions in Easel? Tell us about it! We want to know what you were making, what you were measuring, and why the measurement mattered in your workflow.

What’s the most important aspect of your ideal measuring tool? Do you utilllize measuring tools in other software? What types of measurement interactions would benefit you the most in Easel (e.g. snapping to shapes, vertical & horizontal dimensions, etc.)? We welcome any and all feedback!

very helpful


Having tools to measure would be outstanding. The most useful first step in my option is to have a feature were you simple select two objects and the software calculates the distance between the two. There could be a pop up that lets you select which of the five points to measure from to the other object points. In other words select two objects and then select the center or edge point of each on a pop up and it shows the X,Y and diagonal distance.


This would be great tool to have especially if you could measure the distance between two point and measure the vertical distance of a curve from those two points.


I would like a measuring tool, in order to avoid carving into knots.
I’d like to measure the location of wood knots on my boards, and then accurately place them within Easel.


This would help out so much. Especially when recreating parts or pieces


I think one area, that a measuring tool for us may help… is when we are working with live edge boards.

So we can use it in a way that I can mark/measure the points of the live edge, or the non-straight edges in the wood, with the machine…

So I can then center, and adjust a design that is going on to the board, and maximize the natural layout of the material.


Look at the measuring tool in Vectric. It is a breeze to use and is very accurate. It also provides a number of different activities that are helpful. Glad to see you are considering adding it to Easel pro.


That would be great and there are so many great uses and it would ease the workflow.

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I would really like if you could make the ability to jog the machine (without cutting) to any given point of the carve to see how it is going to lay out on the material. UGS for example, allows me to right-click on any part of my carve and jog the machine to those co-ordinates and lets me see where the bit is going to be. I can map out knots, or line up my carves to work with the grain, or change things as I see fit. This simple ability could make many of the measurement woes in Easel be less challenging.


Agree with all of that, and also you can use this to easily map out safe places to screw down the material.


yes please! Especial helpful when designing to have the ability to know the measurements of all aspects in the design workflow!

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A measuring tool would be great. I would like to see a tool that could measure volume of a carved out area, for instance if I carved out an image of turtle, how much resin do I need to mix to fill that image.

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Yes a measuring tool would be fantastic for all the reasons already mentioned here.

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PLEASE!! I need a way to dimension the holes that I am cutting. I use ACAD and export. The items never come in properly and I spend more time doing math calculations from the polar coordinates in Easel to actual places where they should be from a certain place or from another circle, square, and the like. Just give me dimensioning tools that I can read on the screen and match to the drawing!!! Please give me what ACAD has for basic dimensioning. THANK YOU!!!

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I just spent the better part of an hour checking the alignment on holes… between three programs.

and an actual way to print… where I can print to an actual scale! Not a screen print from my browser. Thank you

Yes! A measuring tool would be very helpful with replicating old furniture parts.
I suggest looking at SketchUp measuring tool. Very easy to use and a click from the Toolbar is quick. Click on any point then move mouse to end point to get the measurement. there is also a measuring box on the bottom to get real time measuring or you can type in a value and it will snap to that distance. Would bring Easel Pro to another level in my opinion.

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A measuring tool would be very useful. A tool that can snap to various points like endpoints, midpoints, intersections etc. would be nice.

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needv the measuring feature to accurately measure distances for creating patterns for home decor