Easel pro doing weird stuff Feb 7th

Hi there. Anyone else having trouble with Easel Pro/Easel? When I set a job up the time given is in multiples even when only one cutter is used e.g. 45mins+45mins+17mins. It is also setting pathways I haven’t asked for. Weird. Then when I move an object in easel and move back again it resets it and does it as it’s supposed to. Anyone else or is it just me?

I have been seeing the same thing for quite a while now. I reported it as a bug last week.

The last two times seem to be correct.

Hey @JulieBryant here is another user with the same problem

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I have some screengrabs if there is anywhere I can post them?

Hi there!

We’ve pushed a fix on this live. Please refresh your browser!

Thank you,