Hey guys. I am trying to cut some letters out in easel and im having an issue with the cut inside and outside line not changing anything in the 2d view. It changes them in the 3d view thought. Here are a couple attachments to see what im talking about. Also, I am not sure what is going on with the ‘y’ in ‘merry’ for some reason easel thinks it needs to cut it off. I have cut outlines of cursive letters before and that didnt happen.
Here is the link to the project
Yes, but that doesn’t seem to be the problem and I am seeing the same thing. I just started a new project which included only one letter of text and a circle. Select all and when I changed from inside to outside only the circle changed in the 2D preview. They BOTH changed in the 3D preview. When I change to FILL they both change. Changing inside or outside seems to have no effect on 2D view.
Tried both Chrome and Firefox with the same result.