I’m using Easel and every time I click on edit machine, the browser window says “Something went wrong - please refresh your browser.” Not sure what to do??? help!!??!?!?!
Hey there, can you provide more information? I know it’s frustrating, but that’s not really enough to go on for support.
Some things to add:
- Was it working at some point in the past, or is this your first time using Easel?
- What computer/OS are you using?
- What browser are you using (and is it up-to-date)?
- Do you have the Easel driver installed?
- What CNC machine are you using?
Hey there Jeff, I had the same problem. I reinstalled Easel and checked my computer… everything is ok but i still wasnot able to function. I did solve it by going into “toolbox” and deleting all of the machine’s listed there. Upon a start up it was like starting new. Put the correct maching information in and it should work. Worth the try. Good luck
Yeah - eventually I found the machine list in the toolbox and did that.