Equal Spacing of objects in Easel

I am making a lathe tool holder. The bottom ‘shelf’ will be 19" long x 2" wide x 1" thick. I want to put 1" circles down 3/4" deep. I have spent the last two hours attempting to get the dozen circles equally spaced (it would have helped if I had paid closer attention in High School math class). In this day and age of computers, one would think that equally spacing these circles would be simple. It has proved to be anything but. I attempted to use the “Equal Spacing” app in Easel, but that just screwed everything up that it erased over an hour’s worth of work. I watched the old (2022) video on using the spacing tools, and those tools do about everything EXCEPT “equally” space the circles.
Is there a tool that will actually space the circles equally apart from one another?

I own a mechanical spacing tool, Forstner bits, and a drill press. I could have had this project finished hours ago, but thought that I should design it in Easel to help me learn the software. It is amazing just how UN-user friendly this software is.

I admit that I am a beginner. I admit that I am NOT a computer person. I admit that there is a learning curve. But this is starting to get to me. There are no classes that a person can take. NOTHING is obvious. And it appears that every task requires either using an app, outside software, or making duplicate copies of projects - MANY duplicate copies - so that each and every cut can be done because the software is not capable of accepting a complete design and carving/cutting it.

spacing these circles seems to be no exception - but I’m hopeful that there is a tool in here somewhere that one of you can point me to that will actually equally space them.

I’d think that this would be a simple matter of entering the spacing of the first and last circle (they have to be inset from the sides a bit more than the internal spacing), and then the software equally space all of the circles between those two set points.

Does this exist???

It does exist! Simply select all items and press the “Distribute Horizontally” button at the top of the design window. Equally, you can use the “Distribute Vertically” feature as well; it is just to the right…




Brandon R. Parker

sorry, just getting back to this. Glad that you showed the example that you did because it shows my dilemma. Note how your example goes off of the work piece. What I was trying to do, but did not have the time for a million trial and error, so I just made the piece too large and cut it down on the table saw.
the goal is equally spaced to the work piece, which means the spacing between each hole being the same distance on each end as well. For the life of me I could not figure out how to get that done. So as mentioned. I spaced them to what I calculated that the needed to be and left several inches on either end, then lopped the ends off to make it work. NOT the right way, but… adapt, improvise, overcome.

what is needed is to be able to equally space to the workpiece, and if it’s possible I couldnt figure it out.