hello, Are any guitar 3D necks available on Easel Pro? I purchased one on Etsy, and I’m not sure how to proceed. I imported it okay, but the size didn’t look right. Can anybody advise me on how best to get started? I’ve watched lots of videos, yet they weren’t for beginners like me. maybe can you advise some better videos on a first-time carving of a guitar neck? Thanks in advance, I’m using easel pro and about four months into my cnc learning curve.
You will need to learn how to do 3d drawing to get the most out of your machine. I did this years ago. How to model a tele style neck for cnc work | Telecaster Guitar Forum (tdpri.com)
Most folks seem to gravitate to fusion360 for drawing in 3d. I’m a 15 year rhino user, so I’m just doing what I know how to do with it.
You can also find STL files if you do a google search.
guitar neck - Recent models | 3D CAD Model Collection | GrabCAD Community Library
You can download dxf files to Easel found here:
Stencils and drawings - GitarreBassBau.de
Press a button and out pops a guitar build. | Telecaster Guitar Forum (tdpri.com)
Thank you so much Martin, you gave me a good starting point, I was hoping to avoid the design programs, but I’ll give it a go. I like the idea you had about downloading a DXF files, can this work with easel pro 3d?
I really appreciate your help, thanks!
Well I don’t use Easel but I know that you can download a DXF file. That will only give you 2D though. If you want things like archtops and tummy/arm contours, it really will require some 3D drawing. Things like Teles which are slab bodied can be done with easel. If you can get somebody to create the Gcode for 3d, then you can import that into Easel as well. It appears you can load an STL file into Easel Pro. The issue is that not everyone’s work is correct. When you do it yourself, you are in control of the results :-).
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