I need a template program to route out a floyd rose Bridge pocket on a guitar for a customer. If anyone can help me out or point me in the right direction I would be most thankful
maybe this might help?
V&Co - Vectric Customer Portal
(107) Modular Double Neck Guitar with mini Cajon || Making the Multitar - YouTube
draw it. Its not hard. You can get the dimensions from the floyd rose website. They even offer the dimensions in a pdf. If you are good with inkscape, you can probably pull the vectors right from the pdf, covert to svg and then import to easel.
To expand on what @Nunya1 said; here’s how you can use inkscape to image trace, But you would need to ensure proper size once it’s imported into easel.
If the pdf contains vectors, no reason to imgtrace. Pull the vectors and be done. Tons of tutorials on the web on how to use inkscape to pull vectors from pdfs. Why go thru the extra step and maybe not have as good of results?
you can try this it’s works pretty well.
Online PDF to SVG Converter - IDRsolutions
Thank You
Thank You Seth
I had never tried that pdf to svg one until today, thanks for sharing it, it worked perfectly.
I want to Thank everyone who responded
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