FoxAlien offline controller

Hello everyone. I am very new to this but love woodwork. Just got my new CNC Foxalien 4040 XE (still in the box) so I could use offline in my workshop. I just wondered if my computer can transfer the cutting files direct to the offline usb controller. My home computer has not got a SD reader or writer. It’s no big deal as I could easily buy a usb SD reader/writer. I just wondered if it was possible without buying one. Thanks for any help.

I have the same machine! There should be an sd card (usb adapter that the sd card plugs into) included with your machine that has an sd card with it with all the drivers and candle files on it. You can then save your gcode files on that same sd card and then insert that into your control box. Paw Paw on You Tube has a complete video on how to setup your machine and many others! Just search for it! Watch lots of videos!! Have fun!

Thanks for that John. I just opened the box this morning and your right, it was all there in the box. Maybe I should have looked before posting. Built it up and tried the files that came with it and no problem. Had made a project up in easel, (just my address) on a piece of oak and it is busy cutting this as I write. Anyway thanks for the reply

Your Welcome!! Any other questions on this machine and I will be glad to help out! One tip for sure: The mounting bracket for the motor clamp has 6 holes. This allows you to move the whole motor clamp up or down depending on the thickness of the board and the length of your bit. The motor itself can also move up and down in the bracket! I did not realize that at first! Happy cutting!

Hi John, having a bit of bother getting my machine recognized, it keeps asking me to plug in my machine to the computer but it is down in my workshop and my computer is in the house. The whole idea of getting this model was to use the controller all the time. Is there anyway I can get the 4040-XE recognized without having to bring it up into the house to plug into the computer? or can I just bring the controller box up and plug that in to get recognized.

That’s a good one! I have my machine by the computer so…Yes I would try to bring the controller in and connect the usb to the computer. Make sure the PC/Controller switch is set to PC. Turn the controller on and see if you can get Easel to set up your machine. After that, shut the controller off and disconnect from the computer and try Easel again. Could be Easel wants to know your machine but after that should be OK. Follow Easel’s instructions for setting up a new machine. Also…did you install the setup files on your computer?

Your my hero John. Everything you said there I done and it worked. Thanks for all your help. Really enjoying playing with this now. Now I am going to have to learn about all the bits and what they do. Got 2 sets with the machine but nothing in there to tell you what they are. One set is is obviously v cuts but the other box is a mystery. Still that’s where the fun in learning comes in. Once again thanks for the help.

You’re very welcome! Yes V-Bits, various End Mills and Ball Nose Bits. Paw Paw and many others have some very good You Tube Videos. Watch everything you can! Happy Cutting!

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