Fusion 360 - 2020 Learnings, Tips and Tricks

Hello All - I have been reviewing the Topics and chats recently and I wanted to re-boot the discussion on Autodesk Fusion and X-Carve.

I wanted a “reboot” because there is a large amount of information on these chats right now on this topic. Much of it dates back several years. With all of the changes that have occurred in both X-Carve and Fusion, I think this a good time to come to the table with the latest and greatest teachings, findings and information.

In particular I want to help this thread / topic to be illustrative from the top down how Fusion and our X-Carve Machines interact and work with one another.

Some of us might not have all the background knowledge of what G-Code is - why a post processor is needed - and on and on and on … so I hope that an open conversation with the community will help start to bridge this gap. I myself have a lot to learn and I look forward to learning it and sharing it here.

Look forward to expanding on this conversation!

Gary H