Fusion 360 Engrave Paths - Help!

I am running an engrave operation with a v-carve bit for a sign project. One pocket I am getting a nice, clean cut pocket, the other one the v-carve bit starts cutting in outside the boundary.

I’m a bit at a loss because the engrave operation doesn’t really have any variables I can play with. It typically just works.

Can you share the Fusion file? It’s hard to tell what you’re trying to do with a screenshot of a planar view of the simulated stock.

Harley Sign.f3d (1.2 MB)

Perhaps unconventional- but using a 1/4 bit to remove the bulk of the pockets, and then taking a v-bit to clean it all up and give a nice beveled edge.

Thanks to whomever can take a look :slight_smile:

I haven’t had a chance to look yet, but, before I do, do you by any chance have extra stock above your surface selected contours? It looks like the toolpath is lining up with the contour and cutting extra above that.
If you do have extra stock, are you using a facing operation to remove it before the engrave?

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You nailed it. I’m embarrassed :sweat_smile:

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I changed the extrusion height but forgot to adjust the stock setting in the setup to match :sweat_smile:

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Great! That’s an easy fix at least.
I typically set stock size as relative with no additional stock unless the part specifically needs that extra stock.

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