Fusion 360 into Easel Issue

Im on a Mac M1. I design in F360 to route some holes in 6mm MDF with 1/8" flat end mill.
I export GCode using F360 with Easel Post Processor.
I import GCode into Easel, and can see the tool path. Looks good.
I try putting the header or not putting the header that Easel suggests.
I set my position to start, all looks good
I hit start and as soon as the router gets to the start point, it makes a tiny move, and stops.
I’m looking for some advice as to what I may be doing wrong.
I selected the generic Autodesk CNC that I think suits the Xcarve. That may be my issue.
Or the post processor needs to be modified…I don’t know how.
Anybody have any insight?

Thank you!

I would make sure you are using the F360 post processor for easel. You can download it HERE.

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In Easel do you have any alarms when it stops? Go to Machine Inspector by pressing Ctrl+Shift+D to check for active alarm status.

You will want to create a custom machine and ensure “automatic toolchanger” is deselected. otherwise the gcode will include a T1M6 line of code which is unnecessecary and can cause a pause step in some gcode senders (not positive if this effects easel or not, havent used Easel as the sender in forever).

Personally I suggest using the Grbl post processor that’s in F360 by default and using a purpose built gcode sender like Open Builds Control or UGS. since there is literally zero gain for using Easel as a sender when using a different software as the CAD/CAM… (just make sure to edit the post processor setting page to use “Clearance” safety height for this option)

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