Getting excited! Hopefully I'll get to start building tonight

All my parts are here (except my dust boot) and my kiddos helped me get my table built yesterday. I’ve been reading through the build instructions for the umpteenth time and think I’ll be able to start building the machine tonight. Definitely have my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t3: that all goes well.


sounds like you have it all together to start your project.

If you have any place in the instructions where you need assistance you know where to post, and seems like you also know how to ask.

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Best of luck with the build.

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Hey i like those table legs you got there! Where’d you snag them?

I got them from Amazon and man are they great! I grabbed a few good 2x4’s, 2 sheets of 1/2” MDF for the lower shelves and a sheet of 3/4” MDF for the top. I added a couple of supports on the top layer so I could screw down the top and keep it nice and solid. My kids and I put it together in a couple hours. Finished, it’s 72”x49” and solid as a rock.

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Everything is out and inventories. Looks like it’s all here :slight_smile:

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Last time that bench will look neat and organized!


Finally got to do some this weekend. I’ve got the waste board done, side plates and the x-carriage. Tomorrow I start with the Z axis and continue from there. Think I can have it cutting tomorrow?

Took me a few days to build. I needed breaks. It can go together pretty quick, though.

Side note: How’s that table working out? I was looking at those plastic legs lest week at northern tools.

That table is solid as a rock. I may see it differently after I get the machine on it and it starts moving things around, but I doubt it. I have another workbench with 4x4 legs and extra bracing. This is just as solid.