Giant "Working" NES Controller build

A while back I bought Phils Pen Holder and was able to get some free files with it as well.

I happened to pick the NES Controller Table and it was not long before someone ( randomly ) asked if we could build a giant working NES Controller for a charity live stream event, I said of course.
I had not looked at the file yet but it was perfect! I had everything I needed to make the controller with some editing for buttons and such. We used arcade buttons and foam weather stripping for “springs” to keep the weight off the buttons.

I dish cut the buttons and made the graphics using a Silhouette cutter, I will be sending Phil the Sil. files to add to his file so others can have it too. Enjoy

It was a great success.



Can’t wait to see this complete!

damn that’s nice. I bought the NES controller file from him a while back. My wife keeps asking for a new coffee table, so I think the frankencarves larger cutting area will be put to good use now.


Here is a picture of the projection screen above the booth, they windowed in the game and did Mario speed runs with two players on one controller. We actually had a girl dressed as a giant Nintendo Switch controller…? seriously


Lance, the file is set up to use various hardwoods or paint grade as a table with a drawer. I’m seeing a killer Cherry, Wormy Maple, Ebony, and Purple-heart all natural table in my future. Great File!

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