Golf cart radio pod

Made this radio pod for the golf cart. I used the xcarve to cut out the speaker rings, radio mount and sub frame then wrapped with felt and coated with fibreglass resin X2 then sanded and painted with stone textured paint. It is upside down in the photos it will mount to the inside of the roof with a trim ring i am still working on.

So here it is today all wired up and ready to rock.


This… is freaking beautiful.

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Thank you. I will post another pick after it is installed in a few days. Sometime soon I will be making another and am thinking of making a vid of the process.

You are officially invited to my never before considered but soon to be established golf league.


here is my buggy 5 years in and still doing mods to it


That engine sounds familiar… what is it?

23hp briggs vanguard with a port and polish carb tune and headers and some other mods redline at 5,500rpm. transaxle gear swap. The gps shows top speed at just under 55mph.

Wow, it sounds great. It sounds like a signature tune… I just can’t place it. Someday, I am going to leave this 60 degree, tree covered hillside that I live on and get some land so I can play too.

Most say it sounds of a harley when I am coming down the road lol. went through a lot of pipe till i got the exhaust to sound the way i wanted.

Would love that on my local golf course. I’d love to go there and play all “Caddyshack” amongst all the dweebs in their golf socks…