Can someone please post a listing of their Grbl configuration setting using the ACME rod. I am not sure what the $2 setting for Z axis movement per step should be.
Can someone please post a listing of their Grbl configuration setting using the ACME rod. I am not sure what the $2 setting for Z axis movement per step should be.
188.95 steps/mm
BTW: I have this spreadsheet that you can play with. It should be read only, but you can save a copy and edit it.
@BartDring: Your spreadsheet shows 40 steps/rev but I assume this is the X & Y steps/mm setting. Examples I’ve seen for a final setting have been 40.20 steps/mm. What accounts for the difference?
Where do you see that number? I think someone did the calculation in inches once, then poorly converted to metric.
Thanks Bart, so it looks like $2 = 2.117 Is that correct for the ACME rod?
No you want $102=188.95. 2.117 is the ACME lead screw pitch. You need the other factors. I don’t know where $2 comes from. That is a step port invert mask.
comes from line 5 in the shapeoko 2 wiki for settings with universal gcode sender
line is
$2 = 320.000 (z, step/mm)
The first place I saw that figure was on the Shapeoko builds docs:
OK, thanks.
That info is pretty old and not correct.
The $2 is pre 0.9 grbl. $102 is what you want for Z. See this wiki.
40steps/mm is correct for X and Y with 8.
grbl will work in inches with gcode, but the settings are entered in metric, so all calculations should be done in metric.
Thanks again, what other variables do I need to change to reflect that I now have the ACME rod? Sound like I probably need to download the latest Grbl version also, so I may need to reload all the configuration options. Are they all listed somewhere?
If you go to Easel, it will guide you through configuring the grbl settings for your machine.
Does anyone have any idea why my grbl controller would have 188.976 as the z steps/mm? I have an ACME rod and set it up through the Easel wizard.
Have you tried to set it up again after noticing that the Z steps were wrong? I had originally set my ACME with easel also and a few days later noticed that it had switched! might want to try to re-calibrate in easel.
It looks like A22 in the spread sheet is hard coded to 200 — shouldn’t it be A21 * A22?