Grbl hasn't finished booting

The newer version does take care of some issues.

Lets stick to v0.8

no limit switches or spindle control? the new configuration deals with that only


This is the link for 0.8

Where do I go to download the grbl v0.8 software? I have the Arduino 1.6.7 and the git Master on the desktop.

the git master is the update

ok now on my desktop

Now we go down the steps from the wiki
start the arduino IDE

where and how do I do that?

Click sketch and include library then choose add .zip library

Did you install the IDEā€¦It should have created an icon on your desktop

Sorry, donā€™t understand, like I said all Greek to me

no, I didnā€™t install anything.

Is there a blue arduino icon on your desktop?


pm sentā€¦