So if I update my X-controller to utilize the new features in UGSplatform will easel still work? I still like using easel for quick work.
oh wow overrides in 1.1 omg do need !
Yes Easel works with 1.1; I’ve been using it for about 3 months. I use easel for spindle projects and UGS for laser (JTech 3.8w). I just have to change $30 and $31 from within either UGS or Easel when I switch from laser to spindle and back. I run both within OS X on my MacBook pro. I run Windows in a VM when I need to run the PicLaser products to create GCode for the laser but then switch back to UGS to stream the code to the XController … oops, just checked and actually I’m on the 1.0c release. Sorry
OK so I updated to GRBL 1.1 and Easel does not work… Inventables really needs to look into making this version work with Easel, even if its not going to utilize the new features. @Zach_Kaplan
On a brighter note it works really well with UGS Platform, the Overrides are SICK AF! The gui is totally customizable and really nice! I’m thinking about running my next projects with it and scrapping easel… I really do like easel for my Gcode sender though sad indeed…
@FatKatOne what version of the Easel Driver do you have installed? We have it working but I think you need version 0.3.3.
For FRO we are still testing it so it’s in early access.
I’m not sure I’m running on a Mac I don’t think I had to install drivers how would I update them ?
You’ll need Easel Driver 0.3.3 (or later, for anyone reading this in the future), which you can download from Easel - Downloads
You can get to the Easel driver downloads from within Easel by going to the Help menu.
awesome ! Thanks I’ll try it tonight !
So, I just installed the 0.3.3 easel driver on my mac and tried to connect to my X-controller when the app opens I can hear my machine engage the steppers then usually under machine I get a green “home” button but I never seem to be able to connect to the controller I can hear the steppers activating as if was trying to connect but never successfully connects… any ideas. Where do I go to verify the drivers installed correctly on a mac?
Edit: ok under machine inspector I see version 0.3.3 driver installed
I get this under machine inspector repeating.
[MSG:’$H’|’$X’ to unlock]
Grbl 1.1f [’$’ for help]
[MSG:’$H’|’$X’ to unlock]
Grbl 1.1f [’$’ for help]
[MSG:’$H’|’$X’ to unlock]
Grbl 1.1f [’$’ for help]
So I wasnt able to make GRBL 1.1 work with Easel even after Installing 0.3.3 drivers, However I ran a test project with the new UGS Platform and it went perfectly, the Override option is reeeeealllly nice, so I created a project with aspire and I ran my test cuts in MDF so I had my feed rates set really fast when I switched to oak I was able to slow them by around 50% and not have to modify and re-save the g-code also when the project gets to the really small detail work I was able to slow it down as to ensure I didn’t have any tear outs in the material.
Thanks to @PhilJohnson for his Post Processor it works really well with UGS Platform I didn’t have a single glitch on a 2 hour carve. I noticed the return to home button actually doesn’t destroy my work either!! as with previous UGS versions I really like this new G-code sender I think for the price “Free” its the best option. I like having everything on one screen and using tabs to get to other functions , the live view is awesome totally 3D can be rotated and zoomed shows detailed paths.
Hmmm. This is frustrating. I sent this back in to the help team to take a look. We have to figure out how to reproduce this since it’s working on the machine in our office.
Do you have any info on your OS version and browser version?
OSX ver 10.11.6
2.8 GHz Intel Core i5
32 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
ATI Radeon HD 5750 1024 MB
browser is Safari Version 10.0.3 (11602.
Hey y’all! As of this afternoon, Easel should now connect to grbl v1.1e and v1.1f when using version 0.3.3 of the Easel Driver. The list of new features in grbl v1.1 can be found here. If anyone has issues connecting, please contact us directly through our support site and we should be able to help you out. Closing this thread down for now, and will update if there’s any new information to share. Thanks!