Groomsman Invitation

Just wanted to share a small project made for a customer this weekend.


Is this lasered?

Could be but might be a engraving bit or the smaller endmill.

Yeah I was just wondering because the text seams slightly darker and it is super precise

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No. I used a 30 degree v bit, 1mm cut


I wished you had posted this a couple of months earlier. Then I would have done this for my groomsmen. Really awesome work.

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Sorry Foxx. I got the request last Wednesday, and carved them on Friday.

The text is darker as the engraving cut into the next layer of the ply, which is darker. The oil I used made the text stand out more. But I like how it does resemble laser engraved

When I looked at the first picture I thought to myself what are they going to do with dual light switch covers?


me too ha ha ha

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really cool idea

The date convention is unique. I’ve never seen, always been mm/dd/yyyy. My son is getting married in Jul so I might have to show him this idea as well.

Common in Europe :slight_smile:

what did you do about the exposed plywood edges?

That’s how it’s done here in Australia. The correct way. :grin:

also, do you mind sharing the file? :slight_smile:

Nothing. It is only 4mm thick. The darker centre ply actually looked good with the 2 lighter exterior layers. I oiled the whole thing which accentuated the contrasting shades.