I am not crying… my eyes are singing “purple rain”
@PhilJohnson you are always so kind to share these things. this community is much richer because of you. although I will probably never use these files (not a guitar person) I wanted to say thanks and “your the man”.
party hats
Depending on how many people are attending you could make small symbol pendants (6" to 8") to give out for people to wear and keep.
Think of Prince what you will, but as a guitar enthousiast i have to say that guitar must be one of the ugliest things in music history
Phil that is solid. That is a solid model for others to follow. (see what I did there?)
One thing I’m dying to make is a guitar. I have yet to work up the courage. My main guitar is an Ibanez S520EX and I have yet to find a replacement that even gets close to it on performance. So making one may be out of the question for me.
it should light up fine. i used all sorts of acrylic with some being better than others but all lighting with no real issues if the light is strong enough.
@PhilJohnson You really need to consider a laser for the smalls and acrylic work but be very careful, using a laser becomes very addicting!
I was referring the necklaces.
The craft stores used to have those mini spray cans for the plastic models, there was a metallic purple that would have been perfect for this.
You can add them to skewers for burgers/sandwiches