Have issues getting this to Generate tool-path and Carve-path to actually start Carving. Easel program performs ether two ways freezes or the spinning wheel of death.
I shared my project
Have issues getting this to Generate tool-path and Carve-path to actually start Carving. Easel program performs ether two ways freezes or the spinning wheel of death.
I shared my project
There’s quite a bit of 0 depth design elements here, this can actually slow down the toolpath calculation process. I suggest selecting all and then using the Combine function, this will allow the 0 depth parts to be removed from the design. (alternatively you may be able to select one of the 0 depth parts and go to Edit>Select matching depth and then delete those)
After doing this combine and then running the simulation, the toolpaths were created properly for the first tile…
Awesome solution Seth… I’m pretty smart but your learning me new things everyday.
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