Having difficulty placing De Oppresso Liber logo on US Flag

I’m having no luck getting a Special Forces Unit Crest on a US Flag. I am trying to place it in the Union so all the white parts (zero depth) are on the surface of the material to match the stars and white stripes. I cant figure out the inverse (if that is even the correct verbiage) of the design for the crest. I’ve included the link to my project to better describe what I am talking about.


If you drag the crest onto the Union, it goes behind it and you cant see it. I’ve tried to “bring to front” but nothing works. Thoughts?

Your project does not appear to be shared. You need to first make the project publicly available. Go to File>Share, click on Share with link, copy the link, click Save, and then paste the link into here.


Brandon Parker

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Where did the image come from? I assume it is from some program outside of Easel. There is no “white” space in that design though. The material in it that is showing zero depth is just that because there is nothing there. I think the easiest way, considering the graphic’s underlying type, is to go back into whatever program generated the image, and output ONLY the outline shape. Import that into Easel, make it a pocket with Zero depth, and set it behind your crest.

Either that or you can double-click on a copy of the crest, and then just delete every single point on the inside. Then you would have the correct shape to make the zero-depth pocket from.


Brandon Parker

Ok, I was briefly bored while waiting for my brain to want to go to sleep, so I went ahead and ran through option two above. I also centered the crest and the zero-depth backer within the star field.

Here is the link to the shared project; plunder at will…


Brandon Parker


Brandon…you the man brother. I was going to try option two today and woke up to this. I cant thank you enough.

No problem …

I hope it works out for you. Share pictures when you get it carved out/finished.


Brandon Parker

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