Help me SHAVE Time!

I am looking to carve this on Aspen and wondering what I can do to save some time. Thank you for any input.

I messed with it a little and turned the feedrates up and the roughing bit took around 8 minutes but i switched it to a 60 degree vbit and cut around 3 hours off the finish bit. I assume you are running a stock xcarve but i switched the feed rate to 80" per min. and the plunge rate to 15" per minute. You can slow that down if needed not sure what your machine can handle. I am sure someone will come along with a quicker way but that cut a lot of time off. You might try switching to a 90 degree and simulate that and see if you can gain any there.


I appreciate you!

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You have a lot of nodes on that image, that will take extra time. I dont know what program you used to create the file but if you retyped it that would cut out some time also.



Wow, I’m glad that you looked at that. That would cause some issues. Good catch!

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