Why am I getting this thin line around the letters? Thank you for any help.
It looks to me like you are doing a two stage carve. The flat parts inside the letters were carved with a flat end mill, and the sloped sides of the letters were carved with something like a conical ball nose bit. (Please correct me if I am wrong).
The flat end mill carved down deeper than the conical ball nose bit did and that is what caused the shadow line around the lettering.
This may be due to improper zeroing of the bits. It is necessary to zero the bits to the workpiece every time the bit is changed. For something like your project, it should be done very precisely using a touch plate or a zeroing micrometer button.
It may also be that a bit has slipped in the collet or that you lost Z steps somewhere.
Your project looks nice. I hope you are able to get your bits at the same level for the next try.
Harry, thank you very much for sharing your insight. I used a 1/4” up cut bit for rough pass and a 60 degree v bit for finish pass. I am almost 100% sure the error is a zeroing error. I have never learned to zero properly. I have the zero probe that comes with x-carve but have never used it. I need to look into that. To zero I have been eye balling it. Do you have any recommendations for a precise zero method? Again, I appreciate your help.
If you have the zero probe, I would use that. It is important to zero both bits at the same location.
I typically zero off of the top of the workpeice using the paper method. You stop the router and bring the bit close to the workpiece and slowly lower the z axis until the paper just begins to drag between the bit and the workpiece. I only do this because my machine doesn’t have a zero probe.
Good luck getting any support from inventables. They are just a bunch of temperamental artist that get VERY rude with you frustrate easily and hang up.
I would not recommend inventables or easel to anyone
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