I got commissioned to make a sign for a friend at work. She had some pretty good ideas and then let me run with it. It turned out great and she loves it.
Did you use a paint mask before carving to get such clean paint lines? Or sand it after painting or something?
I outlined the tree with a Vbit about .06 DOC, I tried masking before the cut but it wasn’t clean so I masked that, perforated the outline in the tape, cleaned up by running a knife around the whole perimeter, pulled the tape in the middle and spray painted green. Worked perfect. The letters were hand painted and wiped clean after every stroke.
Of course I failed to mention that I put a coat (actually poured it on and leveled out with a brush) of sanding sealer, sanded with 320 grit lightly and then (thanks Phil) hit with a couple coats of Shellac before painting. Cleans up really nice!