Thanks for the file! It imports perfectly in Easel. Just size and go.
This was made for a friend that wants to finish it himself. After making it, my wife wants one, so I will be making another. I will post that one when it is finished
where did you get the SVG? i’ve been drawing every project i’ve worked on. if anyone has a source other than the generic vector/svg sites, i’d love to hear about it.
I created this file. The svg file is in the comments above.
thanks man, I hope to use this on a project soon
Here is one I cut a few weeks ago.
project panel from lowes stained with RED OAK
That looks great. Quick question. Are there a total of four crests in the series? If so, does anyone have the files for the other ones?
I got these somewhere as a DXF I have never done anything with them though, as usual Easel makes them difficult to work with but it can be done
Phil what is your email I have the DXF files if you want them
@SteveMoloney My email is Thank you, I plan on using the laser to engrave these. I’ll post the results.
I created this file a couple of years ago and posted it. I’m glad folks are still finding it useful. They are fun to make.
Thanks, Easel is not friendly with DXF files, it takes a lot of time to get them to a point they can carve. I pick some up from time to time from FB groups as well. I couldn’t remember were I got these from.
Thank you very much