Home made machine

Built my own machine but need help setting it up new to whole experience. Want to use easel I know I need grbl.

You need to supply more information. Are you using a grbl controller? If it is one of the inexpensive ones on Amazon, you’ll need to hook up the motors, plug in the power supply, plug in the usb into your computer, and any home switches you might have. Then log into Easel as a new machine and answer the questions as they appear. The other pictures in this link show the terminals for wiring.

Martin here are the photos I hope this is what you need thank you so very much

Well it looks like you probably have everything there. One of those boards probably has GRBL on it already. Do you have any idea of what each of the wires coming off the boards are for? There should be labels on each terminal. I can’t easily find a similar board online at the moment.

You will need someone more knowledgeable than me ! Perhaps Neil or Seth can chime in.

How to Setup GRBL & Control CNC Machine with Arduino (howtomechatronics.com)

If all the wires are hooked up already, do you have Easel on that computer with online capabilities? If not you may have to use a Gcode sender like UGS for example.

Download - UGS (winder.github.io)

Easel can run Grbl. UGS can run Grbl. There are a couple of software downloads for UGS. There is an install process for Easel.

UGS classic is a stable basic version. Nightly Builds are more recent with more bells and whistles.

How to Install/use GRBL With Your Cnc Machine! : 3 Steps - Instructables

I messaged them through PM Mike.

thanks for sharing

Sorry guys. I must’ve turned off notifications.
@MikeRaesky Can you give more details on your controller board?

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