Homing issue with Easel and X-carve Pro

Hi everyone,

I’m having trouble with homing my X-carve Pro using Easel. In the attached video, I created a new blank project in Easel, then tried homing the machine. It moves left on the x-axis and gets “stuck.” I have to hit the panic button

to make it stop.

Any ideas on what the issue may be, and how to fix it?


I would say you are either not hitting the switch or the switch may have gone bad.

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open the machine inspector screen in Easel (press ctrl+shift+D) then send the command $h to home from there while watching the indicators for the limit switches. you could also manually flag the switches to verify whether the switch itself is bad or not.

Here’s what I get when I run the $h command. Not sure what it means or how to fix. Any guidance is appreciated.

I would say the switch is bad. It shows it has been depressed.

Thank you, sir. I’ll reach out to Inventables about getting this resolved through warranty. I appreciate the help.

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OK - called Inventables today and got my issue resolved. My switches were all OK, but my X-axis switch was too close to the ball screw. I removed the bracket holding the switch and gave it a slight bend. Put it back together and all was right in the world again. Thanks to all who gave me suggestions here.


I really like the homing issue with the easel and x-carve pro solved. thanks