Homing not enabled

Hi All,

I’m new to Easel. I have Easel Pro Annual subscription and using with a GRBL controller. I have limit switches and all axis of my machine homes properly using $H command. While setting up my machine in Easel when asked, I select yes enable homing. Easel then successfully homes my machine and moves on to the touch probe stuff which I do not have so I just bypass that. Easel informs me I have successfully setup my machine.

However, when I’m ready to carve, Easel says I do not have homing enabled. Based on another thread in this forum I brought up the Machine Inspector Page and scrolled down to the grbl settings but do not see $22. So I tried to send $22=1 in the console but I get error 3. FYI: When I send $H in the Easel console the machine does home properly and the 3 green status lights in the console light up green.

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!

Send $$ through the machine inspector and post the response here.

Hi NeilFerreri1,

Here is the response:

  • ok
  • $30=0
  • $10=1
  • $$

Thank you for you help!

That’s it? Can you scroll?
What machine do you have?

Yes, that’s all that it shows.

It’s a generic grbl controller using an ESP32 for the hardware and FluidNC firmware.

I see. Why are you trying to use Easel to connect…it won’t work.

Hmmm…Easel does everything else perfectly. It jogs the machine properly, it homes it when I send it a homing command in the Machine inspector Console and it carves properly as long as I manually jog it over to position 0,0.

FluidNC handles 100% of all of the standard grbl commands. Why do you say it won’t work?

Send $CMD

That doesn’t mean Easel handles all of the advanced FluidNC settings.

Thank you for your help and patience with me. Here is the response with $CMD:

  • ok
  • $Notification/Setup or $ESP610 =TYPE=NONE|PUSHOVER|EMAIL|LINE T1=token1 T2=token2 TS=settings
  • $Notification/Send or $ESP600 =message
  • $WiFi/ListAPs or $ESP410
  • $System/IP or $ESP111
  • $Sta/Setup or $ESP103 =IP=ipaddress MSK=netmask GW=gateway
  • $Firmware/Info or $ESP800
  • $System/Stats or $ESP420
  • $System/Control or $ESP444 =RESTART
  • $Bye =RESTART
  • $LocalFS/Size or $ESP720
  • $LocalFS/Format or $ESP710 =FORMAT
  • $LocalFS/Show or $ESP701 =path
  • $LocalFS/Run or $ESP700 =path
  • $LocalFS/List =path
  • $LocalFS/Delete =path
  • $LocalFS/Rename =path
  • $LocalFS/Backup =path
  • $LocalFS/Restore =path
  • $LocalFS/Migrate =path
  • $LocalFS/Hashes
  • $SD/Show or $ESP221 =path
  • $SD/Run or $ESP220 =path
  • $SD/Delete or $ESP215 =file_or_directory_path
  • $SD/Rename =path
  • $SD/List or $ESP210
  • $SD/Status or $ESP200
  • $Radio/State or $ESP115 =ON|OFF
  • $WebUI/Set or $ESP401 =P=position T=type V=value
  • $WebUI/List or $ESP400
  • $WebUI/Help or $ESP0
  • $WebUI/Help or $ESP
  • $GPIO/Dump or $GD
  • $Channel/Info or $CI
  • $Xmodem/Receive or $XR
  • $Xmodem/Send or $XS
  • $Config/Dump or $CD
  • $Help or $
  • $State or $T
  • $Jog or $J
  • $GrblSettings/List or $$
  • $GrblNames/List or $L
  • $Limits/Show or $Limits
  • $Settings/List or $S
  • $Settings/ListChanged or $SC
  • $Commands/List or $CMD
  • $Alarms/List or $A
  • $Errors/List or $E
  • $GCode/Modes or $G
  • $GCode/Check or $C
  • $Alarm/Disable or $X
  • $Settings/Erase or $NVX
  • $Settings/Stats or $V
  • $GCode/Offsets or $#
  • $Home or $H
  • $Motor/Disable or $MD
  • $Motor/Enable or $ME
  • $Motors/Init or $MI
  • $Macros/Run or $RM
  • $Home/X or $HX
  • $Home/Y or $HY
  • $Home/Z or $HZ
  • $Home/A or $HA
  • $Home/B or $HB
  • $Home/C or $HC
  • $System/Sleep or $SLP
  • $Build/Info or $I
  • $GCode/StartupLines or $N
  • $Settings/Restore or $RST
  • $Heap/Show or $Heap
  • $Startup/Show or $SS
  • $Report/Interval or $RI
  • $FakeMaxSpindleSpeed or $30
  • $FakeLaserMode or $32
  • $CMD

So I don’t know for sure as I haven’t used Easel since the early days. Easel is clearly looking for Grbl settings and not seeing them.
I’d use a different sender. Or even the webUI

Yes, I think you are right. And probably that $22=1 code which I just read that FluidNC does not use. I am using the WebUI of Easel, but it requires connecting to the machine via a usb cable and uses a com port through that.

I really wanted to use Easel because it has design and sender all in one, plus I already paid for a year subscription of it. Sigh! Oh well, I’ll keep looking or may just have to cut my loses and do something different.

Once again thank you for all your help!

You can design and generate gcode in Easel. Just export to an appropriate sender.
This is the typical workflow. I prefer my CAD/CAM program to be really good at what it does rather than a do it all program.


Why not just use a true GRBL controller?

It actually is a true GRBL controller but has a lot more features and options than standard GRBL controllers.

Not sure why Easel can actually home the machine, but then think that homing is not enabled when it comes time to carve.

Per NeilFerreri1’s suggestion I got it working by not using Easel to send the GCode. Instead, I am using gSender and it works perfectly.

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