I would like to add more fonts into VCarve 9. How does one accomplish that end?
Just add a new windows font and Vcarve will see it and allow you to use it.
Just download the font you need and then right click it and install
Please respect the community guidelines @XC-Noob.
How does a simple question about fonts turn into a thread with two posts already removed for inappropriate comments? Seems like some folks are more interested in making a mess than making neat stuff.
With all the controversial stuff going on in politics, schools and government there are more than enough other places to vent frustration and anger.
I like this forum because we all have something great in common, we love machines, solving problems and discovering new ways to make stuff. Let’s not ruin that, please.
If you are feeling the need to insult someone please go to your political forum of choice, I am sure there are some real a**hats there that desperately need to be corrected and put in their place.
Hi Everyone,
We’re going to close this topic. It seems it’s gotten away from the original question, and it looks like the original question was answered anyway.