How to carve from a zip drive on xcarve

Where I am cable internet is not dependable. I have lost several carves to internet loss. Hoping to find a way to get the full program and cut without internet.

I would download the gcode to a thumb drive and use Universal Gcode Sender or another sender. I think there is a local easel thing you can use too.

Easel without internet? - Easel - Inventables Community Forum

What are Easel’s System Requirements? – Inventables (

Easel loads the webpage via internet, however once the page is loaded, it runs on the users PC, remotely. soo your fault resulting in incomplete carves is NOT irregular internet connectivity, it is something else. could be Sleep mode on the PC, or static discharge causing a momentary loss of power, or something else even… but not internet related.

Thanks Seth that completely changes the thoughts on how to fix the problem. Will keep you posted on what I find. THANKS

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