Hi folks,
Inventables is launching HTTPS end-to-end encryption for Easel. We’re currently beta testing it at https://easel-secure.inventables.com.
You will need to upgrade to the most recent testing/early access Easel Driver:
Windows Installer
Mac Installer
For most users everything should just work. However, users that run specialized DNS resolvers or run on corporate networks may run in to issues[1]. If you do, please let us know.
[1] Easel communicates with the Easel Driver via a websocket connection. That connection previously connected via the loopback IP address (
). Firefox, Safari, Edge and IE will not make an insecure local connection to that address. For those browsers Easel makes a secure websocket request to inventableslocalhost.com
(which has proper HTTPS certificates) which resolves to
. Some networks disallow rebinding private IP addresses, which can cause issues with this approach. This is not an issue with Chrome.