I have acquired a XY table

The new XY table is ball screw driven one that is really beefy.
I have successfully moved all the components necessary to get it operational.
I will have some videos and information for those interested on what I did.

This was the original machine as I received it. There is no computer or card for the controllers in it.

These were the 2 controllers that were in the side panel. I removed them to use my Gecko G540.

Here is the table while I was in the process of rewiring everything.


MDF-strips as spoilboard surface next I bet!
Looking good, single 1605-screw on Y?

That looks like a Techno Isel. I run a Techno-Isel Davinci III myself. Isn’t that one of their servo models? It should give you good service.

Yes its an Isel model. It was an XY table and used originally for testing membrane switches. It had a solenoid instead of a Z axis.

Just finished the final settings and calibration
Here are the results: