Initial plunge depth too deep

I have an X-Carve and on any job the initial plunge is about 2.5-3 times greater than it should be. The subsequent passes are than correct as what’s been entered into easel. Any ideas or help would be appreciated.

Excessive initial plunge depth is typically caused by:

  1. The z zero being off (this is rather common when the z zero is set using the front left corner which is being pulled down by clamps. . And/Or the board is cupped upwards in the middle… it is a best practice to surface the board on the cnc and to set z zero as close to the carve area as possible)

  2. The z axis topping out and loosing steps(this can be fixed by adjusting the router in its mount and/or the origin safety height, or the bit stuck out if that is excessive)

Or, your Z-Probe thickness is not set correctly in EASEL…


Brandon Parker

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As I hit send i felt i was leaving something out :rofl:

@JoshHill the z probe thickness can only be set in the machine setup in easel, once you get to the probe test screen you’d need to press the “advanced” button and enter the exact thickness of your probe, Otherwise Easel will assume you are using their probe which is 14.99mm thick.

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Yup, I definitely know the feeling! Probably 75% of my posts are amended immediately after I write them because I leave something out that I wanted to put in there.


Brandon Parker

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Thank you so much you guys for the responses! I am going to try what you have suggested and see how it goes!

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