Inlay, beginners question

Starting learning inlays and thinking about V bits. Methinks that a 60 degree Vbit with a flattened point would be really good, to limit the depth of the shapes in thinner materials.
Any one know of a source?

You’ll want a bit with as close to a true point as possible if you’re using Easel. Otherwise, your Z-zero will be off.

@NeilFerreri1, you got me started on the inlay bus, & thanks, I do use easel but have to download the gcode onto my 1Finity, so the zero’s are set by the machine.
I did find a Vbit with a flattened point but will stick with what I have for now, we run out of money before the store runs out of stuff.
Thanks again for the tips along the way.

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Easel just doesn’t have a mechanism for accounting for that flat on a vbit. It’ll assume that the bottom is a point and do all calculations based on that. This causes issues with accurate depth which translates to sloppy inlays.
Also, part of the appeal of a vbit for inlays is the sharp corners you can achieve. You can’t get sharp corners with a flat bottomed endmill.

Nice wood inlays are really cool! In my experience, however, the only people that truly appreciate a good inlay are those that have done it (or tried to do it) themselves. Everyone else is enamored with epoxy swirls.

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There ya go teachin’ me stuff again.
Had not thought of the sharp corners which are key to me.
Used a lot of epoxy in my yacht building days, it is really good at sticking things together, tried it on one of my carves and did not much like it. I does have a place and limitations. Imagine what it must have taken to do inlays 50 years ago, luv my CNC.

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Well said!!!


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