Hello, I can’t seem to find the Iot Relay on Amazon anymore, is this discontinued and if so are there any alternatives?
I use a solid state relay from Amazon.
Thank you!
Currently unavailable too lol
A single click away and this one appears to be in stock…
As is this one, which supposedly has a higher rating…
Brandon Parker
You wouldn’t need solid state either. Just a regular old electromagnetic relay would work fine.
Thank you, is it easy to set up?
You should be comfortable with electronics and typical home voltages. You would need to acquire a relay (solid-state or mechanical) or a good little contactor, an enclosure, appropriate wiring, and an outlet or two. It’s not something that I would consider difficult at all, but some people are not comfortable with that kind of stuff.
If you are looking for an easy and out-of-the-box solution then building it wouldn’t be for you.
After some digging, I actually found a site that says they have Qty:(1). They are out of Canada…
Brandon Parker
Before giving up try chatting with Digital Loggers on their web site. I just got one ordered from them even though they say they’re out of stock.
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