Today I got UGS to work, and so ran the file for this
Halftoner wiggly line image with the router turned off and noticed that when the z jiggles up and down rapidly it makes a noise I hadn’t noticed before. (See video). Is this OK or do I need to fix something?
Also, probably unrelated but just in case, I recently changed from the original to the single piece x axis and the v wheel in the photo (top front) is not touching the v. The bottom v-wheel under it was changed from going into the eccentric nut to entering the bolt from the front and adding a nylock nut inside the carriage a few days ago, as it kept falling off with the original set-up. I’m not sure if the top v-wheel was floating freely before that or not.
Edit; The vibrations in the video are my shaky hands, not the machine.
I think the noise is normal and from the Z movements up and down at the same time as XY movements.
Stepper motors create sound, kind of like music at times.
Thanks, I was hoping so. This was y first time with the z axis jumping up and down so much.
For the V-Wheel issue, you have to have an eccentric nut/spacer opposite a wheel that is just in a straight through-hole. Am I misunderstanding what you meant or did you remove the eccentric nut?
I have the old-school eccentric nuts on my machine and added nuts with nylock inserts as lock-nuts so that none of my V-Wheels move. I think I have adjusted one/two since 2015 …
Brandon Parker
I have the adjustable nut opposite. I did the mod that was posted here years ago on my z axis, as the original setup had the v-wheels fall off in action a couple of times. After I reassembled my machine with the new single bar x axis a few weeks ago I did the same with one of the bottom eccentric nut wheels. The other one hasn’t fallen off yet, but I plan to change it soon.
I’m not a super high precision worker, but as it is a major pain getting most parts here I’d rather fix something that might be serious before it actually breaks.