Here is my J Tech Laser mount. I bought the X-Carve mount from J Tech but didn’t like that the laser was not easily removable. I particularly didn’t like how the laser driver is mounted above the z axis motor and pulley.
With this mount the laser can be installed or removed in less than 20 seconds. The design is based on a video I saw on YouTube by Shane Bell.
Looks great! I like the thumb screw and slot idea.
Thanks Shane! Your design was great. I looked up the spacing on the router mount bolt holes and it worked out perfect. 60mm between top and bottom bolt holes. I also used slots and tabs to mate the pieces that way I didn’t need any extra material in the corners for support. This mount is solid as a rock.
I’m glad I ran across your video before using the J Tech mount!
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Nice!!! I will be relocating my laser to the front of my router, but I may make the laser height adjustable since I added larger Y axis end plates to allow thicker material under my gantry. Currently the Z axis has to go almost to the bottom to get the laser with 3" of my material…
This is what drives me to make videos. I love creating things and watching others take an idea and add to it and make it better. you have done a great job with your take on the mount.
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