So I just made this set of stables for my daughter (whose horse mad) for her to play with her little toy horses.
The base is 1/2" MDF, the walls are 6mm hardboard. I made the stable doors all sliding doors by attaching screw eyes to each door, and feeding through 1/8" steel rod. Same for the main barn door. The rods are bent at each end, and hot glued into holes in the walls to hold them in place.
The floor in the barn has a herringbone brick pattern, which I filled with epoxy to fill in the gaps and give it a shine. The walls are all slotted into grooves in the base, and each stable wall is grooved into the outer walls. Everything was glued and clamped in place. No nails or screws.
The outside walls had a board and batten effect siding, and window details just for aesthetics.
I let my daughter paint it, which in retrospect probably wasn’t the wisest move, but it was good to get her involved.
I I did carve a lot of it using the 1/4" v-bit, mainly because I wanted the details in the engraving, but I’m not very good at swapping bits and maintaining the same XY zero point. Therefore, I did have to flatten off some of the ‘sloped’ cuts on the table saw (e.g. the bottom of the walls) to make them sit nicely in the base.
All in all, it was quite a challenge to design and align everything, and then finish it up. The carving part was pretty easy, obvs…
Anyway, hope you enjoy.
The project is here in case you wanted to have a go yourself.