Laser Help

This is our Shapeoko 2 laser engraver. It’s not fully enclosed with laser safety shields, but it does serve it’s purpose to protect our eyes.

Which makes me think: you wearing your lighty tighties? :laughing:

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So what do you guys think about this.
I make a shield (like a suckit boot) out of the laser shielding material.
It would attach the same way as the dust boot (with magnets to the existing side arms)
Instead of a large hole in the center, just have a small 1/8 inch?? hole for the beam to go through.
Then maybe add a 3 sided box going up to the laser itself.
Any thoughts?

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Thank you.
That way one doesn’t have to worry about someone just walking into the shop and getting hurt.

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@LarryM Hope this thread is still alive. I was laser engraving fine today and was switching back and forth between laser mode and spindle mode. I have grbl 1.1e and use Picengrave. After my second engrave the laser only engraves super tiny now. I reflashed and changed all my grbl settings to your post with 1.0c and still no luck. Any ideas as to what is going on? Here is the file I was trying to engrave

Cavs Sword.ngc (510.3 KB)


The G-code file that you uploaded only has tiny moves in it. All of the moves look to be less than 1.5 inches.

How did you generate the G-code? Make sure your settings are correct in that program.

I generated it in PicEngrave Pro. Its supposed to fit on a 3" x 3" coaster, that’s why the movements are tiny. It turns out my UGS had blacklisted the G20 command so it was just ignoring it and remaining in mm. I just went into options and removed the blacklist and just finished running the file. It worked! Thanks for your timely response!

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This is the size your PicEngrave gcode file says it is.

( Image size in inches: 2.872w x 2.992h )

Is that the size it engraved?

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Jeff, could you try this file with PicSender? I have run it through UGCS without error, but when I try it with PicSender I have problems ( versions 2.7.5 and 2.7.6) (my version of grbl).

No problem here. What problem are you having?

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Ok, Thanks.

Found the problem. Operator error. :frowning:

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Yep that’s the size I was going for. My issue was the G20 command being blacklisted. My machine was trying to carve everything in mm.