Limited Inventory - 500mm and 750mm X-Carves

Inventables is phasing out our 500mm and 750mm X-Carve sizes. The 500mm is no longer in stock and there is very limited inventory of the 750mm that will run out in the next couple of weeks. Both of these X-Carve sizes will most likely not be put back into stock once they sell out.

The more we speak to our community and customers, the more we know that the majority of you prefer and purchase our largest machine. With that overwhelming demand, we’re focusing on the 1000mm machine (and Easel Pro!)

If you currently have a 500mm or 750mm X-Carve, don’t worry: we will still provide full, uninterrupted customer support for your machine.

Any questions? Contact our Customer Success team at or (312) 775-7009.